Information Technology (General Information)

For technology help, call 646-313-8008 or email

For after-hours support with Blackboard, please call 646-664-2024 after 8 pm

IT Helpdesk

The helpdesk is located on the 3rd floor of the campus, in room 304.  The Help Desk can be reached by phone at 646-313-8008, or via email at The Help Desk hours vary throughout the year and are based on the academic calendar, but IT can always be reached via email.

Student File Storage

All students have access to 25 GB of online file storage via Microsoft’s OneDrive. This service is accessed through the e-mail account by choosing “OneDrive” on the top right of the homepage.

Computer Labs

The primary computer lab is located at the rear of the Information Commons. There are desktop PC’s available for use, as well as print capabilities. Laptops are also available for use within the Info Commons (IC), and can be checked out at the IT helpdesk located in the IC.

There are two additional computer labs located on the lower level, with printers located in each. These labs are also utilized as classroom space during the year. The labs are open to the student body when not in use by a course.

Printing Policies

The Guttman ID card is used to print from a computer and make photocopies on campus. There are four multi-purpose copy machines available for students’ use on campus. The Library has two copy machines. The other two copy machines are located in the student computer labs. Students have the ability to print from any computer or laptop on campus. Charges will apply based on the number of copies being made.