Emdin, C. (2017). For white folks who teach in the hood… and the rest of y’all too: Reality pedagogy and urban education. Random House.
Emdin, C. (2017). For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood . . . and the Rest of Y’all Too. [Video file].
Gay, G. (2002). Preparing for culturally responsive teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 53(2), 106–116.
Gay, G. (2018). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Johnston, E. M., D’Andrea Montalbano, P., & Kirkland, D. E. (2017). Culturally responsive education: A primer for policy and practice [Issue brief]. New York, NY: NYU Steinhardt Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools.
June, A. W. (October 30, 2018). Professors are the likeliest mentors for students, except those who aren’t white. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Koch, Andrew K. (October 2018). Big inequity in small things: toward an end to a tyranny of practice. The National Teaching & Learning Forum.
Ladson-Billings, G. (2009). The dreamkeepers: Successful teachers of African American children. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Ladson-Billings, G. (2014). Culturally relevant pedagogy 2.0: A.k.a. the remix. Harvard Educational Review, 84(1), 74-84. doi:10.17763/haer.84.1.p2rj131485484751
Larke, P. (2013). Culturally responsive teaching in higher education: What professors need to know. Counterpoints, 391, 38-50.
Malsbary, C. B. (2016). Youth and schools’ practices in hyper-diverse contexts. American Educational Research Journal, 53(6), 1491-1521. doi:10.3102/0002831216676569
Montenegro, E., & Jankowski, N. A. (2017, January). Equity and assessment: Moving towards culturally responsive assessment (Occasional Paper No. 29). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA).
Paris, D. (2012). Culturally sustaining pedagogy. Educational Researcher, 41(3), 93-97. doi:10.3102/0013189×12441244
Reyes-Barriéntez, A. M. (2018). Teaching first-generation Latinx students. Inside Higher Ed.
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in STEM
As a part of Guttman’s National Science Foundation Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic Serving Institutions (HIS Program)grant project, “Testing the Impact of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Streamline Transfer Support on STEM Success for Underrepresented Students.” Co-Principle Investigator, Dr. Karla Fuller offers a STEM Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) this PD series to Guttman faculty teaching in the Information Technology or Science degree pathways. The PD is grounded in CRP in STEM articles and frameworks and employs a backwards design model for revising assignments, projects, and courses.
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Urban Studies Across Transfer
As part of its The Way Forward initiative, Bringing Theory to Practice (BT2P) has awarded one of only 15 “Multi-Institutional Grants (MIGs) that bring the core values and best practices of undergraduate education to bear on the need for change”to theCUNY Curricular Excavation Project. This collaboration between CUNY’s Guttman Community College, Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), and the School of Labor and Urban Studies (SLU) employs Culturally Responsive Pedagogy during a summer faculty professional development institute for all three campuses as a way to improve the success of community college students as they move through transfer toward a baccalaureate degree.
“Strategies for Arts and Humanities Grantseeking: A CUNY Town Hall.” CUNY Graduate Center, November 15, 2018.
Understanding LGBTQ+ Identity: A Toolkit for Educators Collection. PBS Learning Media.
Being a Successful Mentor
What does a mentor do?
- Serves as a role model and advisor to the mentee
- Assists the mentee in figuring out and achieving his or her professional goals
- Shares his or her perspective with the mentee so the mentee can have an outside assessment of his or her online presence and teaching skills
- Advances a mentee’s understanding of Guttman’s institutional context so that a mentee knows the history and inner workings of Guttman’s teaching model
- Helps mentee interpret and apply the Guttman Instructional Principles and expectations to mentee’s own course
Setting expectations with your mentee
As a mentor, you will need to help set expectations for the semester so you and your mentee know what to expect from each other during the semester.
- Ask what the mentee’s goals are for the course
- Ask what the mentee hopes to achieve both in the course and in mentorship. After getting a clearer picture of the mentee’s objectives for the semester, you and the mentee will need to come to a mutual understanding of what is expected.
- Tell the mentee what you can help with
- Tell the mentee how you see working with the mentee
- Tell the mentee what you will need from him/her to achieve the mentee’s goals
Being a Successful Mentee
What does a mentee do?
A mentee is a new or less experienced faculty member that is seeking their mentor’s advice and support. A mentee is an active participant in the mentoring relationship.
- Establishes goals so the mentee and mentor can develop a plan to achieve those goals
- Communicates his or her goals and expectations for both course and the mentoring relationship Seeks advice
- Shares his or her experiences, both good and bad
- Applies what is learned from the mentor
- Brings creative energy and new ideas to the mentoring relationship
Setting expectations with your mentor
As a mentee, you will have to be prepared for the expectation discussion.
- Assess your weaknesses and strengths as instructor especially as an online instructor
- Figure out what you want to accomplish this semester in your course and in the mentoring relationship
- Determine your teaching goals for the semester
- What kind of guidance do you want? Bring the product of the above process to your first meeting with your mentor, so you both can get on the same page quickly.
Communicating with your mentor
Effective interactions with your mentor require that you receive and understand your mentor’s feedback and advice. Do not be shy about communicating with your mentor and do not assume that your mentor will always take the initiative.
- Share your experiences and be specific
- Make sure you understand what your mentor has written or said to you
- Clarify any misunderstandings you may have
- Discussions should always be a two-way dialogue
Make sure to follow up with your mentor as needed
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Bean, J. (2011). Strategies for designing critical thinking tasks. In Engaging ideas: The professor’s guide to integrating writing, critical thinking, and active learning in the classroom (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Bellafonte, G. (2014). Raising ambitions: The challenge in teaching at community colleges. The New York Times.
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Freire, P. (1998). Once more the question of discipline. In Teachers as cultural workers: Letters to those who dare to teach. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Goldstein, G. S. (2007). Using classroom assessment techniques in an introductory statistics class. College Teaching, 55(2), 77–82.
Hattie, J. & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77(1), 81-112.
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Kington, R. S. (2017). Creative ways to help students recover from failure. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Landers, M., & Reinholz, D. (2015). Students’ reflections on mathematics homework feedback. Journal of Developmental Education, 38(3), 22–36.
Lang, J. (2015). Small changes in teaching: The last five minutes. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Lang, J. (2015). Small changes in teaching: The minutes before class. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Lang, J. (2016). Making connections. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Lang, J. (2016). Small changes in teaching: The first 5 minutes. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Lang, J. (2018). Small teaching: Everyday lessons from the science of learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Milliken, J. (2015). The 21st century community college new models for student success [Keynote address]. Annual meeting of the Association of Community College Trustees Leadership Congress.
New Community College Concept Paper
Robinson, K. (2006). Do Schools Kills Creativity? [Video file – TED talk].
Rose, M. (2014). Finding the public good through the details of classroom life. In Why school? (Revised and expanded ed.), 202-207. New York: The New Press.
Subban, P. (2006). Differentiated instruction: A research basis. International Education Journal, 7, 935-947.
Talbert, R. What does academic rigor look like? [Blogpost]. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Thomas, F. (2015). The Power of Feedback by John Hattie and Helen Timperly [Video file].
Walk, K. (2007). Commenting on student work & Grading papers. In Teaching with writing: A guide for faculty and graduate students, 31-40. Princeton, NJ: The Trustees of Princeton University.
Weselby, C. (2014). What is differentiated instruction? [Blogpost]. Concordia University.
Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2005). Backward design. In Understanding by design (2nd ed.). New York: Pearson.
(2021). Tim Talks With Chris Emdin. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Katopodis, C. (2021). A Pedagogy of Self-Care for a Post-Pandemic Fall. Hybrid Pedagogy.
Carlson, J. (2016). Against Being Inclusive. Association of American Colleges and Universities.
CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy
Dr. Gina Garcia’s presentation
Garcia, G. A., and N. D. Natividad. (December 2018). “Decolonizing Leadership Practices: Towards Equity and Justice at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and Emerging HSIs (eHSIs) .” The Journal of Transformative Leadership and Policy Studies, 7:2.
(n.d.) IT Accessibility. The City University of New York.
(n.d.) Making Content Accessible. The City University of New York.
Ginnett, A. (2015). Who Doesn’t Have Trouble with Executive Functioning? [Video file – TED talk].
King, C. (2017). Executive function and the provenance of patience. Unboxed: A Journal of Adult Learning in Schools, (16).
- OAA Committee Recommendations Regarding Implementation of WAC (1999)
- CUNY Writing Across the Curriculum
- CUNY’s recommended texts for Writing Across the Curriculum 2018
- Writing Across the Curriculum by Susan Macleod
- Responding to Student Writing by Nancy Sommers
- Contexts and Criteria for Evaluating Student Writing by Jane E Hindman
- Assignment Scaffolding & Strategies for Assigning Composition from CCNY Writing Fellows Workshop
- Strategies to Help Students Respond to Academic Texts- Lehman College WAC
- Writing Across the Curriculum in Historical Perspective by David Russell