- August: Division of Student Engagement summer retreat focused on team building using social justice minded activities (name story/life maps) and defining values of division through an equity lens
EDI Timeline
2015-2016 Academic Year
2016-2017 Academic Year
- Dean of Student Engagement tasked a divisional professional development committee and the Fall semester’s meeting were spent on furthering conversations centered on ED&I
- August: Dr. Paulette Dalpes, Deputy to Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Chief of Staff at City University of New York, presented on “Community College Student Affairs: Engaging the Profession” focusing on developing practices that are specific to the community college, and Guttman, student population
- October: Unpacking Equity, Internationalized Racism, and Institutionalized Racism exercises
- Conducted fishbowl discussions based on pre-assigned readings
- Equity: Women and Women of Color in Leadership
- Internalized Racism: Naming Racism: A Conceptual Look at Internalized Racism in Schools
- Institutionalized Racism: Jim Crow to Affirmative Action and Back Again: A Critical Race Discussion of Racialized Rationales and Access to Higher Education
- December: Staff all took Project Implicit’ s Implicit Association Tests and processed results
- College wide discussions occurring outside of Student Engagement
- November: The Strategic Planning committee begins to intentionally think about how a strategic plan could include an equity lens or be more explicit on focusing on equity through the goals
- December: As part of Assessment Days (focused on Student Engagement staff and Office of Academic Affairs faculty, staff, administration) small groups examined Guttman’s foundational documents to assess where equity is explicitly mentioned (mission, goals, vision, strategic plan)
- December: A small cross-sectional team was appointed by the College President to develop and implement an equity focused agenda for January All-College meeting (All-College meetings are attended by all employees of the Guttman community)
- January: All-College Meeting (125 attendees) engaged in a full day dialogue focused on ED&I facilitated through large and small group discussions and activities
- Review Achieving The Dream Equity Statement and discussion
- “How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly to them.” Ted Talk and discussion
- Facilitated small group discussions to reflect on equity through various lens; personal, unit, as part of the broader Guttman community
- January: College President appoints 11 individuals (faculty, staff, and administration) to the ED&I Taskforce
- February-May: Two Taskforce meetings were held, small groups created based on 4 research areas from the Equity Scorecard (institutional receptivity, access, retention, and excellence), research groups met separately, leads of each area began meeting
- April: Hosted a Train the Trainers and a Safe Zone certification workshop for faculty, staff, and administration
2017-2018 Academic Year
- December: Present to Guttman Advisory Council on formation of ED&I Taskforce and method of inquiry being used
- January-present: Leadership group meets bi-weekly (leads of each research area and Taskforce Chair)
- January: half-day of All-College Meeting dedicated to ED&I conversation, Dr. Silvia Mazzula, Associate Professor of Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Executive Director of the Latina Researcher Network, presented workshop titled, “Culture of Excellence in Higher Education: From Systems to Individuals”
- Draft Equity Statement, developed by a smaller working group of ED&I Taskforce. shared with campus community and online feedback requested
- March: Six listening sessions held, open to all members of campus community, to get feedback on draft Equity Statement
- March: Meet with Institutional Research Office to begin our data collection to identify where the achievement gaps exist. We will be looking at GPA, credit accumulation and graduation rates through the lens of race and gender based on program of study, course format, semester to semester persistence, pell eligibility, readmit students, proficiency levels, and withdrawals. We are also collecting information on who are the student participants of our special programs. The next step will be to apply the same analysis to those student groups.
- June: The Equity Consulting Groups, Inc with Jonathan Poullard sessions with Admin Cabinet and EDI Taskforce (+staff):
- Growing EDI: From the Inside Out
2018-2019 Academic Year
- September: The Equity Consulting Groups, Inc with Jonathan Poullard sessions with Senior Staff
- Leadership and Succession Planning
- November: The Equity Consulting Groups, Inc with Jonathan Poullard sessions with Administrative Cabinet and EDI Taskforce (+staff)
- EQ, Managing Conflict & Feedback
- December: Dr. Arlene Torres, Hunter College & Inclusive Equity Works, “Prioritizing Diverse Excellence in the Search and Recruitment Process” (audience: 2 faculty search committees)
- December: The Equity Consulting Groups, Inc with Jonathan Poullard sessions with FT Faculty
- Implicit Bias
- January: Approval of Equity Statement for Guttman Community College by Senior Staff
- January: All-College Meeting with Dr. Gina Garcia, University of Pittsburg, “Becoming a Hispanic-Serving Institution”
- February: Launch of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) workshops with Dr. Yolanda Sealy-Ruiz, Teachers College, Columbia University (Assessment Days)
- June: Culturally Responsive Leadership Series with Dr. Yolanda Sealy-Ruiz for staff in Student Engagement & Finance and Administration units
2019-2020 Academic Year
- September: Fall Launch of CRP Faculty/Staff Institute, “Developing Racial Literacy: A Foundation to Sustaining Culturally Relevant Pedagogy” with Dr. Yolanda Sealy-Ruiz, Teachers College, Columbia University
- October: The Equity Consulting Group, Inc with Jonathan Poullard sessions with FT Staff
- Implicit Bias and Social Identity
- October: Launch of the Black Male Affinity Group facilitated by Dean Charles Pryor.
- December: The Equity Consulting Group, Inc with Jonathan Poullard sessions with Senior Staff
- Leadership Retreat
- January: All-College Meeting with Dr. Tia Brown McNair, Vice President in the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Student Success and Executive Director for the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Centers, AAC&U; Dr. Yolanda Sealy-Ruiz, Teachers College, Columbia University.