Alumni Achievement
Gulinoz Javodova, ’15 on Documenting and Living Life with Openness
June 28, 2023 | Alumni, Alumni Achievement
Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-Bound. If you graduated from Guttman, you know a SMART goal when you see one. You couldn’t make it through the first week of Bridge without writing a few of your own. For example: Class of 2015’s Gulinoz Javodova ✔ Make a self-navigating, color-directed robot and demo it to other university […]
Sitting with Farah Reynoso, Guttman Class of 2019
May 30, 2023 | Alumni, Alumni Achievement
The only way to really catch up with fast-paced Farah Reynoso is by sitting down. As a full-time graduate student in Fordham’s School of Social Work who also serves as the MSW ’22-’23 Member-At-Large on the board of the National Association of Social Workers New York City Chapter, a Parent Coordinator and Social Work Intern at […]
Maryam Rodriguez Guttman Class of ’18: Paying Attention to the Little Things
March 22, 2023 | Alumni, Alumni Achievement, Career Development
“It’s a good day when everyone comes back from the walk with their shoes.” Remember that pearl of wisdom from this 27-year-old daycare teacher the next time you miss the train or forget to charge your phone. The youngest of her five siblings, Maryam Rodriguez claims she doesn’t remember much from the time when she […]
Samuel Rodas, Guttman Class of ’18: Laying Down Tracks in Music and Life
February 28, 2023 | Alumni, Alumni Achievement
Don’t worry, all you Latin music fans out there. You won’t miss the good stuff. Samuel Rodas has got you covered each week for New Music Fridays. Every Saturday after the hottest artists in the music industry drop their tunes, the 2018 Guttman alum and his friends choose two or three of the best songs […]
“Relationships—It’s Where the Learning Begins,” Says Guttman Grad Michael Ortiz ‘20
January 26, 2023 | Alumni, Alumni Achievement, United Men of Color (UMOC)
When Mr. Ortiz sits down in front of his computer, his effusive personality fills the Zoom screen. The background is dark. He’s meeting me at 7 p.m., just coming home from work after a day that started, like every other weekday, at 4 or 5. That’s a.m. He leans toward the screen, his bright eyes […]
A CUNY Story About Soul-Searching, Calling, and True Love: Alumna Shaitasia Holley, ‘16
December 19, 2022 | Alumni, Alumni Achievement, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging, Global Guttman, Publication, Student Achievement
Have you ever started a conversation with the familiar “What do you do?” and found, a few minutes in, that you’ve somehow been pulled toward the more profound question of “Who are you becoming?” Talk with Shaitasia “Shai” Holley, and that’s where she gently steers the first five minutes of your dialogue. It’s not surprising, […]
Justin Ng, Class of ’22: “You’ve Got a Science Brain”
November 23, 2022 | Alumni, Alumni Achievement
Increasing Her Voice: Maria-Isabelle Parada, Guttman Class of 2016
October 31, 2022 | Alumni, Alumni Achievement, In the Media, President's Office
Guttman Alum and coffee entrepreneur Héctor Carvajal featured in EATER New York
September 27, 2022 | Alumni Achievement
From Guttman to Spelman—A Go-Getter’s Journey
August 3, 2022 | Alumni Achievement, Student Spotlight, Women of G.R.I.T.