Institutional Effectiveness Process


The purpose of institutional effectiveness is to answer the question: How well are we collectively meeting our goals?

  • “How well” refers to the quality, efficiency, cost effectiveness, and/or impact of annual practices related to specific activities, operations, services, learning opportunities, student learning outcomes, and/or policy initiatives.
  • “Collectively” refers to participation by all college units, including academic programs, administrative departments, student support offices, and some committees.
  • “Our goals” refer to unit-level goals, divisional goals, and institutional-level goals in support of the college mission.


  • Sustain a systematic process for integrating planning, assessment and resource allocation at the area and institutional level.
  • Strengthen transparency by having a shared resource to document plans, evidence, and findings.
  • Strengthen inclusiveness by having involvement across all divisions and at all levels from areas to senior staff.

Abridged Process


planning-calendar iconPlanning

assessment - check mark iconAssessment

resource allocation - dollar sign iconResource Allocation


CCE completes annual Emergent Themes Report that summarizes prior year’s findings and represents the voice of the college.

planning -calendar iconassessment - check mark icon


Senior Staff/Strategic Planning & Budget Committee reviews college-wide emergent themes to affirm institutional priorities for next academic/fiscal year planning.

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All-College Meeting is dedicated to communicating emergent themes and priorities to college community and engaging them in planning/problem-solving for next academic/fiscal year.

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Divisions/areas build on All-College Meeting planning/problem-solving by incorporating priorities and mid-year assessment findings into SAGE Profiles and planning/budgeting for next academic/fiscal year.

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Budgets submitted with alignment to priorities/goals.

resource allocation - dollar sign icon


Areas complete current year SAGE assessment and document next year’s SAGE plans.

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Divisional leaders finalize review of SAGE Profiles.

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Continue process.

planning -calendar iconassessment - check mark iconresource allocation - dollar sign icon